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"To passionately proclaim the Gospel, make disciples, and establish thriving Baptist churches throughout Alberta, Canada."

"Where there is no vision,

the people perish."

Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

We are committed to sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ with boldness and conviction, spreading His love and salvation to all people. Through intentional discipleship, we aim to equip believers to grow in their faith, deepen their relationship with God, and become devoted followers of Christ. Our ultimate goal is to see vibrant and thriving Baptist churches established across Alberta, where individuals and families can worship, serve, and experience the abundant life found in Jesus. We invite you to join us in this mission of spreading the Gospel and making a lasting impact in the lives of people in our community.


“Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission by passionately proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, empowering disciples, and establishing thriving Baptist churches throughout Alberta, Canada."



The New Testament gives us a pattern for following Jesus.



Identify and train a qualified indigenous leader from within the church community in Alberta, Canada, equipping them with the necessary theological education, pastoral training, and leadership development to become the new pastor of the church. This leader will be empowered to continue the vision and mission of sending pastors and missionaries, establishing new churches throughout Canada, and advancing God's kingdom, with a focus on ensuring a smooth transition that aligns with God's timing and the preparedness of the identified leader.


At FaithWay Bible Baptist, we hold steadfastly to our Statement of Faith, also known as the Articles of Faith, which stands as a firm foundation for our beliefs and practices. These articles are not merely human constructs or personal opinions but are deeply rooted in biblical doctrine. As a Bible-Believing Baptist church, we affirm the authority and infallibility of the Word of God, recognizing it as the divine revelation of God's will for mankind. It is from this unwavering commitment to the truths found within the Bible that our articles draw their strength and significance. With a profound reverence for Scripture, we present our Statement of Faith as a testament to our heartfelt conviction in upholding the teachings of God's Word and living in accordance with its life-transforming principles. As you explore these articles, may you be encouraged and enlightened by the profound wisdom and timeless truths that guide our faith journey at FaithWay Bible Baptist Church.

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